Satellite-Powered Farming: Agrovisio's solution

Published on 2024-07-19

Startup Story

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Explore Agrovisio's innovative use of satellite and drone technology to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability, shared by co-founder Emre Tunali.



The inception of Agrovisio is rooted in an interesting blend of technical expertise and practical agricultural challenges. As one of the three co-founders, my background, along with my colleagues', lies in the military defense industry, where we honed our skills in advanced technology. One of our co-founders, who is also a farmer, faced persistent issues on his farm. We leveraged our access to satellite technology to monitor his fields, which proved effective. This initial success inspired us to scale the technology, making it accessible to other farmers. Thus, Agrovisio was born. Our core mission is to utilize satellites to provide detailed analysis of crop health, water stress, nitrogen status, and yield estimates. By doing so, we aim to help farmers mitigate risks, enhance yield, and promote sustainable agriculture.


Integrating Advanced Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture

Our vision revolves around making high-tech crop monitoring tools affordable and accessible for farmers, encouraging the integration of these technologies into their daily practices. With the global population continuously rising, the pressure on agricultural productivity increases, necessitating innovative solutions that do not deplete soil health. Our technologies employ satellite and drone analyses to provide real-time data on various crop conditions. We developed models specific to different crop types, enabling us to detect issues such as crop health problems, water needs, and irrigation efficiency. For instance, our system can advise on optimal irrigation practices and variable rate fertilizer applications, ensuring efficient resource use. Our patented technology and proprietary platform support farmers in using fewer resources while achieving higher productivity, ultimately fostering sustainable farming practices.

We cater to both individual farmers and B2B clients, including cooperatives, contract farming agencies, seed and fertilizer suppliers, as well as government organizations. Our platform operates on a robust data collection system where satellites monitor fields daily or at regular intervals, providing analyzed data through our platform. This enables users to identify specific field problems—be it crop health, irrigation, or fertilization—without constant field visits. This not only saves time but also provides a more comprehensive understanding of the field's condition through multi-spectral satellite imagery. For government use, such as our collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Agriculture, our platform offers an auditing and monitoring tool that verifies crop declarations against actual production, ensuring accurate funding distribution to farmers.


Integrating Diverse Data Sources for Comprehensive Insights

Agrovisio leverages various data sources, including satellite imagery, drone analysis, and super-resolution imaging, to offer a multifaceted view of agricultural fields. The core of our operation revolves around satellite data, which varies in revisit times, spectral wavelengths, and resolutions. By integrating data from four different satellites, we ensure continuous monitoring and high-resolution imagery for precise analysis. Our platform consolidates these diverse data streams into a unified format, providing farmers with actionable insights without the need for complex calculations. Notifications guide farmers to address specific issues, enhancing field management. Additionally, drone technology complements satellite data by offering ultra-high-resolution images for detailed analysis, such as root counting and row growth assessments. Our proprietary super-resolution algorithms further enhance standard satellite imagery, improving data quality and visual clarity, thereby aiding farmers in making more informed decisions.

The commitment to improving user experience is evident in our seamless integration with existing farm management tools and IoT service providers. This flexibility allows us to deliver great value to our clients by enabling them to consolidate various functionalities into a single platform. Our integration process is efficient, typically taking just a week or two, making it easy for users to incorporate Agrovisio into their current systems. The feedback from our users has been overwhelmingly positive, with an 85% re-purchase rate, highlighting the satisfaction and trust our clients have in our platform. By combining data from different sources into one accessible interface, farmers can manage their fields more effectively, reducing the need for multiple platforms and enhancing their overall experience. This integration also facilitates sophisticated actions such as automated irrigation, significantly reducing costs and improving resource efficiency.


Real-World Impact: Case Studies and User Feedback

One notable case study involves our collaboration with the Turkish governmental organization overseeing opium production. By using satellite technology to monitor opium fields, we ensure that farmers produce within their allotted quotas, providing a robust auditing and control tool. This application is crucial for regulating a sensitive crop like opium, where both overproduction and underproduction must be avoided. On the agricultural side, we worked with one of Turkey’s largest sugar beet companies, whose fields span multiple cities. Before adopting Agrovisio, their teams had to conduct frequent field visits to monitor crop health and irrigation needs. Our platform reduced these visits by half, as satellite data allowed them to pinpoint problem areas and focus their efforts more efficiently. This significant reduction in field visits translates to substantial savings in time and resources, demonstrating the tangible benefits of integrating advanced technology into agricultural practices.


Overcoming Challenges and Future perspectives in Technological Adoption

One of the most significant hurdles Agrovisio has faced is encouraging farmers and agribusinesses to adopt new technologies. Agriculture is traditionally conservative, with many preferring to stick to tried-and-true methods. Initially, there was skepticism about the efficacy of our technology. To overcome this, we focused on creating compelling case studies in collaboration with our clients, demonstrating the tangible benefits of using Agrovisio. Once farmers experienced the improvements firsthand, their willingness to adopt the technology increased. The initial phase with any new client or market remains challenging, as it requires convincing them of the potential efficiency gains. However, as more success stories accumulate, the adoption process has become smoother. We understand that scaling quickly in agriculture requires patience and allowing customers to fully grasp and appreciate the value of our solutions, leading to organic growth.

Looking ahead, Agrovisio is focused on both expanding into new markets and advancing our technological capabilities. Our technical background and the inclusion of a farmer in our founding team drive us to continuously innovate. One of our current projects involves developing tools to measure the carbon usage of farmers' fields accurately, enabling them to calculate carbon credits. This is becoming increasingly important as some countries start to legislate carbon credits, while others are on the brink of adopting such regulations. By staying ahead of these trends, we aim to support farmers globally in meeting emerging environmental standards. Our commitment to technological advancement and market expansion positions Agrovisio to make a substantial impact on sustainable agriculture worldwide.


About the author

Emre Tunali