The new Vegan Sushi: Bluana's seafood

Published on 2024-07-26

Startup Story

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Florin Irimescu, CEO of Bluana, discusses innovative plant-based seafood, emphasizing taste, nutrition, and sustainability, transforming the way we enjoy sushi.


From Passion to Innovation: The Birth of Bluana

My journey into plant-based seafood began with an unexpected challenge from a German fish distributor seeking a vegan fish alternative. At the time, the concept of vegan fish was quite novel, and I was intrigued. I have a deep passion for gourmet products, stemming from my background in molecular gastronomy. I graduated from a French gastronomical school and pursued molecular gastronomical studies in Barcelona, which provided a unique angle to tackle this challenge. Serendipitously, I received an invitation to apply for a small grant with a tight deadline, which gave us the opportunity to develop a minimum viable product (MVP). Through this process, I realized there was a significant market opportunity and a genuine problem to be addressed. This aligned perfectly with my previous business philosophy, which focused on processing organic fish and had earned several European gourmet awards. When my previous business was sold the following year, I dedicated myself fully to this new venture, Bluana. Initially a hobby, it soon gained traction as we participated in various programs and won a startup competition, securing investment from a business angel club.

In the fall of 2022, Marco, our CTO, joined the team and brought his expertise to help us transition from lab-level production to industrial-scale manufacturing. Together, we developed the necessary technology and successfully raised a pre-seed round, culminating in obtaining a patent for our innovation in 2023. Now, we are focused on pilot production and sales.

Our ultimate validation came from Japan, where we tested our product with 3,000 people and received positive feedback. Our goal was to use Japanese ingredients, and we were thrilled to achieve a texture and taste that resonated with Japanese consumers, particularly in replicating the authentic sashimi experience.


Bluana's Technology and Impact

Our technology at Bluana offers a groundbreaking solution that addresses both sustainability and efficiency in the seafood industry. We've developed a plant-based seafood alternative that significantly mitigates environmental impact. Traditional sushi production involves catching endangered species like bluefin tuna, freezing them to eliminate germs, and then shipping them globally, which generates a substantial amount of CO2. Additionally, small-scale sushi restaurants often experience high levels of waste, with up to 30% of sushi discarded due to short shelf life.

Our alternative, however, boasts all the nutritional benefits of fish without these drawbacks. Our product uses local ingredients and remains shelf-stable without the need for freezing, drastically reducing waste. When we replace traditional methods with our solution, the impact is comparable to planting 2.4 million trees for every 100 tons of product. This represents a significant step toward sustainability in the seafood industry.

A Plant-based Technology 

Our technology represents the second generation of plant-based products. While the first generation borrowed from meat industry techniques, we've drawn inspiration from dairy industry technology and adapted it for our purposes. This approach has enabled us to create a product that maintains its shelf stability, further enhancing its appeal to small restaurants and bars, as they can store it without fear of spoilage. Moreover, our technology seamlessly integrates with artificial intelligence (AI) to gather real-time feedback and adjust recipes accordingly. This AI integration extends to marketplace logistics and shipping, reflecting the broader technological era we are in. Essentially, our machinery produces a product with precise viscosity and texture, setting a new standard in the plant-based seafood market.


Real-World Success: Case Studies and Feedback

We have conducted extensive testing of our product in various locations, including Valencia and Japan, engaging over 3,500 people. This real-world feedback has been invaluable, allowing us to refine and improve our product continually. The result is a vastly improved offering from its initial version, better meeting the tastes and preferences of our consumers. These case studies illustrate the practical success and adaptability of our technology, demonstrating its potential to revolutionize the seafood industry by providing a sustainable, efficient, and delicious alternative to traditional seafood.


Innovating Sustainable Seafood with Nutrient-Rich Solutions

Our plant-based seafood solutions offer a myriad of benefits tailored to meet the diverse needs of various stakeholders. By integrating principles of molecular gastronomy and personalized nutrition, our products are both delicious and nutritionally dense, packed with essential micronutrients per calorie. This dual focus on taste and health sets us apart in the plant-based food market. For food service providers like sushi chains and pokeball outlets, our products' shelf stability and extended shelf life are game-changers, reducing waste and enabling more efficient logistics. Furthermore, our plant-based seafood can be shipped directly to consumers via regular mail, enhancing accessibility and convenience. Our solutions have garnered exceptional feedback, with many consumers preferring our products over real fish and some not even noticing the difference. Continuous improvement, driven by detailed consumer feedback, ensures we stay ahead in terms of taste and texture. Despite the financial and developmental challenges typical of any startup, our commitment to innovation and sustainability has been unwavering. Each small step forward, much like the Japanese proverb of making a mountain from dust, brings us closer to revolutionizing the seafood industry with our nutrient-rich, sustainable alternatives.



About the author

Florin Irimescu