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Piero Manzoni

Regenerating biodiversity to solve the scarcity of natural resources

Piero Manzoni - Founder and CEO at Simbiosi - illustrates the role of technologies and innovative solutions in transforming the agri-food supply chain and restoring the environmental value of urban suburbs, in order to fight climate change and solve the scarcity of natural resources. By applying the concepts of Circular Economy, Gunter Pauli’s Blue Economy, and Nature-Based Solutions, Simbiosi developed its own Neorurale method, aimed at giving back to nature what it needs to regenerate itself, in order to restore the biodiversity of territories and optimize the use of natural resources. That's the mission of Simbiosi: to apply the know-how, the expertise, and the technologies to replicate what nature does itself; in order to create a real and circular symbiosis between people, economy, business, and environment.

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Sustainability Podcast: “Road to Forest Valley”

#79 - The Retrofit Technology Transforming Fleet Sustainability

A breakthrough retrofit solution slashes emissions by 90%, saves thousands in fuel costs, and boosts efficiency—all without replacing existing vehicles. It’s practical, scalable, and built for impact.

#78 - Turning the Tide: How Limenet Combines Carbon Removal with Ocean Restoration

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#77 - Feeding the Future: Ocean Twist’s Sustainable Revolution in Aquaculture

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#76 - Drying Reinvented: The mission to transform Sustainability across industries

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